BJP State Spokesperson Prof. Virender Gupta said that Omar Abdullah, though is a member of major political party of the state and remained Ex-Chief Minister matches the separatists in his statements and gives the impression of being a fundamentalist and communal in his approach. Omar’s recent statement “will Dalai Lama be asked to leave, Tamil refugee sent back” and comparing the case of Rohingyas with Tibetans speaks that he has turned a mock, commented Prof. Virender.
The Spokesperson reminded Omar of his past statements and actions. During Amarnath land row, he and his party opposed the temporary shelters for the religious pilgrims to be made during Yatra period and in the Parliament Omar announced that an one inch of land can be given for the construction of temporary shelters which otherwise were to be removed after Yatra. In 1990, NC created a situation in the valley in connivance with the separatists that forced the minorities to leave the valley and now is opposing their settlement back. Omar and his party are opposing the establishment of Sainik Colony even for those Sainik who are permanent residents of the state.
Prof. Virender further said that during the periods when National Conference was in power, Jammu region was badly discriminated in all walks of life as the region is Hindu dominated. All the policies of the NC are Kashmir oriented and biased against Jammu region, in particular Hindu community.
The Spokesperson asked Omar that does not his sympathy for Rohingyas and his statement in favour of their settlement in India and in Jammu region carries communal overtones, in the light of his and his party resistance to the settlement of Jammuites, who are permanent citizens of the state, in the Kashmir valley.
The Spokesperson said that he would appreciate his concern for Rohingyas if he carries them along to the valley and make arrangement for their settlement there.
He further said that the decision to allow or not to allow Rohingyas settlement rests with the Government of India which was elected by the people of country. It is government at the centre which has been given responsibility to as whatever it thinks, is in the interest of the country.