Rainbow Public School has celebrated & organized an impressive function on the auspicious occasion of mother’s day today at Rampura, Gandhi Nagar within school premises. Ajay Pargal State General Secretary BJP Youth (BJYM) was the Chief Guest on the day. Speaking on the occasion, Ajay Pargal said as we all know that mothers are the divine power without them a family cannot survive. Pargal appreciated the multi talented role of mothers as house women, as working women & much more. Pargal added that our Prime Minister Honb’le Sh. Narender Modi has taken a very good initiative and launch Beti Padhao Beti Bachao to safeguard the interest of women’s & protect women’s empowerment. Pargal also added that in today’s world women’s are more efficient in all spheres whether education, business, or any other, he added recently example in front of us, maximum number of girls secured good positions in 12th class result in our state. Chairperson of the School Krishan Kishore Khajuria, M.K. Wadhera State Awardy Artist & Bhushan Khajuria Member of Management Committee were the guest of honours. Principal of School Suman Sharma said that on this auspicious day chief guest were invited to shower their blessings on the students as well as their mothers. She said the students actively participated in the entire function to thank their mother & even teachers also worked very hard to make this a great success. She concluded the function by appreciating student’s hard work; also thanked the guest of honours and parents for attended & graced the function.
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