Baldev Singh Billawaria district President Bharatiya Janta Party, Jammu met Director Rural Development Department and Ac (Development) this morning and asked them for taking due caution while considering devising new Panchayat. The department of Rural development of Jammu and Kashmir which is Shortly undertaking a bid to form new Panchyats for delimination in Jammu most facilitate creation of Panchayats as per the wards and Mohallas of the areas so that people don’t find any diffidently in electing their representatives in coming Panchayat elections. Billawaria also discussed other issues with Director Rural Development department and stressed that all funds earmarked for smooth conduct of Panchyat elections may properly be utilized and monitoring of work for this should be flawless. Director Rural Development assured Billawaria that the department will spare no effort in efficiently conducting the Panchayat elections in Jammu and all efforts will be made to hold them in an effective manner.
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