Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh inaugurated three-day training programme on Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) and Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan (SBA) at J&K Institute of Management Public Administration & Rural Development (IMPA&RD), Jammu.
Vice Chairman and Director General, J&K IMPARD, Pramod Jain, Managing Director J&K Housing Board Corporation, Manmohan Singh besides officers of JKIMPARD and other concerned departments were also present on the occasion.
The objective of the workshop is to enable officers to create awareness among below poverty line urban masses about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, rehabilitation of slum dwellers and to acquaint the participants with the latest concept of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
While speaking on the occasion, Deputy Chief Minister urged the participants to ensure wider publicity to various components of PMAY (U) by organizing ‘loan melas’ to facilitate interest subsidy to the beneficiaries. He also asked to involve private sector in a big way to promote ‘Affordable Housing’ in partnership. He stressed upon the participants to prepare a schedule and ensure timely execution of these schemes so that the people would be benefited.
Dy CM highlighted the urgent need for implementation of various guidelines related to Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. He stressed upon participants to work with missionary zeal to ensure benefit to the needy, to improve the society and uplift the deprived section in order to transform India.
Dr. Singh asked for undertaking measures for making housing for all a big success. He said that all the schemes are initiated for providing general masses, affordable housing facilities within the city limits. He also laid stress on providing hygienic conditions to the citizens under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
He listed various initiatives taken by centre and state government under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan including urban solid waste management and disposal.
Deputy Chief Minister welcomed the training initiatives taken by the JKIMPA&RD and said that such trainings will help in keeping the human resource well equipped with the best practices in the field.
Earlier, Vice Chairman and Director General J&K IMPARD welcomed Deputy Chief Minister and highlighted need for training on Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan.
While highlighting the benefits of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana –Housing for All (Urban) Mission for urban area, he said that this scheme will be implemented during 2015-2022 and this Mission will provide central assistance to implementing agencies through States and UTs for providing houses to all eligible families/beneficiaries by 2022.
Representatives of Jammu Development Authority (JDA), Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC), J&K Housing Board Corporation, NGOs and other concerned departments are being trained in the three day long training programme.