On Saturday BJP MLA from Nowshera Constituency Ravinder visited the Bandari, Bhamakiya, Katali Una, Thangrote and Teryath areas of Sunderbani sub division and took stock of the ongoing developmental works and directed the departments to expedite the speed of all works. Addressing the public meeting at Katali after inagurating newly installed electric transform Raina said BJP is committed yo provide regular power supply in the state. He said under dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Modi, India will become the world’s major power. Raina Union government is providing all assistance to the state government to solve the power crisis in J&K. He said concrete steps are being taken by the state government for sustenance growth in Power sector. He also made an appeal to the people to avoid the wastage of light and not to have illegal connection. During the tour MLA visited Higher Secondary School Trryath, High School Bamnliya & Kantha and interacted with the students and also listen their problems and assured them to resolve all the pending issues in near future. Xen PDD Thakur Dass, BDO, Xen PHE, and officials of R&B, Revenue & Education departm ent accompanied the MLA and noted the problem highlighted by the locals and assured their early redressel.
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