Hon’ble MLA Chhamb Dr Krishna lal ji handed over a new wooden Boat with estimated cost of 3.18 lakhs to Rajani people’s on MANAWAR TAWI BANK of chhamb constituency so that the people’s can easily cross the Manawar Tawi. Because boat was washed away in flood. The people’s were happy and cordial welcomed the MLA Sahab for providing boat. MLA sahab also redressal the grievances of the people and said that the requirements of the inhabitants of the concerned area will be fulfilled soon. On this occasion XEn Flood Control, AEE Flood control, JE, Mandal Pardhan Kharah Balli,Vice president BJP Kharah Balli Capt Thoru Ram, Gen Sec kharah Balli, Youth President Block Khour Suresh Sharma, Chowki incharge ASI and workers were present.