Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Wednesday asked its workers to gear up for welfare activities in the Kupwara district and listen to the grievances of general public.The leadership reiterated its support to the party workers and redressal of their genuine grievances. Appreciating the party workers for remaining steadfast during the recent turmoil in the area, BJP State General Secretary (Org), Ashok Kaul reiterated its support and commitment for the welfare of people. Kaul while addressing a huge gathering of district office bearers and constituency presidents assured them all possible help and assistance from the party. He listen the issues and grievances confronted by the workers in the area during last more than five months. “What has happened during these months in all the constituencies in Kupwara,” Kaul asked the constituency heads to share the details.“We have Panchayat elections in March- April and be ready to contest from the respective constituencies,” he said, adding, the workers should identify their seats and contest the Panchayat election. “I wish to see our party workers as elected representatives in the upcoming Panchayat elections,” he said. BJP State Vice- President, Dr Daraksha Andrabi and State Publicity Secretary Dr Ali, district President Kupwara Mohammad Jamal Bhat, Protocol Incharge, Arif Raja and Former State Vice President G M Mir were also present on the occasion. The party leaders on the occasion said that the present turmoil has yielded nothing and the government of India led by BJP has sent delegations at least three times to listen to the issue, but the same were not allowed to meet. “We lost peak tourism season this year too, now with the onset of winter the situation is normal again, we as general public must understand this, and reject those who provoke people,” they said.
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