Rajesh Gupta inaugurated 4 lanes costing 16 lakhs and is part of the overall development of the area.
Rajesh Gupta was accompanied by JMC officials including Xen Joginder Paul,AEE Gurcharan Singh and JE R.K.Koul.
MLA was accompanied by senior BJP leaders Prof.Shyam,Raj Kumar, Vijay Mahajan,Arun Sethi,Rajesh,P.C.Gupta,Ravi Singh,Kuldeep and Girdhari Lal.
The presidents of Moti Bazar Association Chandan Gupta and president Kali Jani Association Ajay Sawhney welcomed the honourable MLA on the ocassion.
The activists of various social organizations including Inderjeet, Somdutt, Tarsem Jain,Subhash Gupta and Rajinder Gupta.
Rajesh Gupta while speaking on the ocassion said that the visit of the PM Narendra Bhai Modi to Jammu to inaugurate the super speciality hospital at Kakryal Katra would immensely benefit the people of the state.The sports stadium would help in the development of the budding sportsmen of the state.
The prominent who accompanied the MLA included Chaman Lal,Dinesh Varmani,Prem, Gopal,Amit and Vinay.