To highlight the Central schemes launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and to create awareness among the people at grass root level, BJP State Media Secretary Management (Addl), Samba District and Seh-Prabhari, State Incharge Department of President Office Programme & Meetings, Rakesh Mahajan, today held a series of meetings at Vijaypur and Samba. On the occasion, District president, Jangvir Singh, district office bearers and mandal office bearers were also present. Speaking on the occasion, Rakesh Mahajan said that the State’s PDP-BJP coalition Government has initiated a number of developmental activities and welfare schemes for the development of the State. He said that the problems narrated by the people are being taken seriously and every effort will be made that no one is deprived of basic amenities. He also discussed the achievements of the Narendra Modi-led NDA Government and added that providing electricity to every village by 2018 is the mission of Prime Minister. He listed out the insurance schemes, opening of bank accounts, pace of development of highways, fast processing of projects at approval level, Ganga cleaning project, Swachh Bharat and Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Jan Dhan Yogna and others. Mahajan said that although two years period is less for bringing a change but still PM Modi has worked round the clock to ensure that more and more schemes and projects are launched for bringing progress and prosperity and it is visible that an era of development has started across the country. He further asked the party workers to reach the masses and highlight various developmental and welfare schemes launched by PM Modi. He said corruption has been wiped out and total transparency in maintained in the governance, which itself is a major achievement.
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