Minister for Public Health and Engineering (PHE), Irrigation and Flood Control, Sham Lal Choudhary today inaugurated a newly constructed Rs 3.99 crore Balole Siphon of Tawi Canal. MLA, Samba Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal and Secretary PHE, Sanjeev Verma were also present on the occasion. After inaugurating project, the Minister said that the scheme will discharge about 300 cusecs of water to upgrade the irrigation facilities in the area which would definitely help the farmers to have excellent crop yield in future. Minister further urged the engineers of PHE Department to put in their sincere and dedicated efforts for providing better and upgraded irrigation facilities to the people while ensuring that people get adequate water supply especially during ongoing summer season. Minister also urged the officers of the department to come up with new and innovative schemes for meeting the increasing water supply demands while laying stress on generating mass awareness regarding judicious water usage and its conservation techniques. Chief Engineer, RTIC, Chief Engineer PHE besides others were also present on the occasion.
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