Finance Minister Haseeb A Drabu was present in the house while addressing the house Mr. Ramesh Arora spoke in support of budget touching various issues and also made some suggestion regarding budget.
Mr Arora Said although efforts were made to expose the corruption in the system and way out were also suggested to rectify the same. Mode of plan and non plan was also changed. In this budget fund was misused and liability has been created with respect to provident fund and in similar manner employee state insurance scheme amount has also created an extra liability due to wrong policies ot previous govt.
Mr. Arora welcomed the reform and budget provision made in favour ot police and additional amount is kept for Journalist. He also welcomed that a critical analysis was made about field working of R&B, PDD, SRTC and congratulated Mr. Drabu for his commitment and boldness towards eradication of corruption.
Mr. Arora suggested that VAT on canteen items should be removed and all items be exempted as every third person in our state is an ex- serviceman. He also suggested that toll-Tax increased will effect the common man it should not be done. He also suggested that hike in the tax of air-fuel from 20 to 25% will effect the fare.
Mr. Arora also suggested that no tax be imposed on eatable items and mobile and laptop because these are not luxury items but necessity. Mr. Arora also asked finance Minster not to charge Rs.50 per connection of cable as entertainment duty with these suggestion Mr Arora said that welfare of the women were taken care rightly and welcomed the provision made for them.
Mr. Arora spoke for 20 minutes on various issues of budget.
Mr. Ramesh Arora has donated Rs. 10 Lakh for construction of Memorial complex at Kishtwar in memory of Late. Satish Bhandari who laid down his life in fighting militancy. A release order of the amount was handed over to Sunil Sharma MOS and MLA from Kishtwar in presence of Deleep Parihar MLA, Gangan bhagat MLA and Munish Sharma Incharge all Morcha’s .Mr. Arora said it is a tribute to Satish Bhandari who was Gen. Secretary of Hindu Raksha Samiti and good friend of mine.